Tonya-related books, tapes, articles,
![]() "The Tonya Tapes" by Lynda Prouse. Paperback - List: $18.99; 300 pages; Published by World Audience; Publication date: May 2008; Dimensions 9 x 6 x 0.9 inches / 23 x 15 x 2.3 cm; ISBN: 978-1934209806 After a long delay, the wait is finally over. Tonya's own autobiography has finally been released! Based on the candid and sometimes startling conversations that YOU were never meant to hear, THE TONYA TAPES, written by award-winning author, Lynda D. Prouse, chronicles the life of the world’s most infamous female athlete - TONYA HARDING - revealing for the first time the whole truth of her difficult and sometimes amazing life on and off the ice. Based on actual, extensive interviews with Tonya Harding, and written with her collaboration, this is her story! The Tonya Tapes can be ordered directly from the publisher, World Audience, or via major on-line bookstores. |
![]() "Thin Ice; The Complete, Uncensored Story of Tonya Harding, America's Bad Girl of Ice Skating" by Frank Coffey & Joe Layden. Mass Market Paperback, 180 pages [22] p. of plates; Published by Pinnacle Books/Kensgtn Pu/Penguin Usa/Windsor Pub., Corp (Note: this appears to have been released by several publishers - each source seems to say something different). Publication date: February 1, 1994. Dimensions (in inches): 6.87 x 4.14 x .60; ISBN: 0786000619. List: $4.99 Also available in an abridged form on 2 Audio Cassettes; Published by High Top Sports Production; Publication date: May 1, 1994; Dimensions (in inches): 7.08 x 4.51 x 1.04; ISBN: 1567030327; Frank Coffey, Y. Coffey; List: $16.95 |
![]() "Fire on Ice: The Exclusive Inside Story of Tonya Harding" by Abby Haight, Julie Vader. Published by Times Books. Publication date: February 1994 ISBN: 0812924576 Two quicky paperbacks, rushed out in early 1994 to capitalize on interest in Tonya in the wake of the Whacking. Both of these are now deleted, though there were several hundred thousand copies of each title printed, so it should be possible to still find them. The audiobook version of "Thin Ice" sounds as if it's still available, as it's widely advertised. Haight & Vader are reporters for the Oregonian, Portland's daily newspaper. |
"Women on Ice: Feminist Essays on the Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan Spectacle" by Cynthia Baughman (Editor). Hardcover - List: $79.95; Published by Routledge; Publication date: August 1995; ISBN: 0415911508. Paperback - List: $18.95; Published by Routledge; Publication date: October 1, 1995; Dimensions (in inches): 8.91 x 6.01 x .65; ISBN: 0415911516
A turgid, pretentious feminist analysis of the T&N affair. Some interesting ideas here, but it is rather repetitive and it's full of alot of pseudointellectual jargon like "heterovisual" and "scopophilic" (which are, by the way, real words that are actually used in the book - I'm not making them up). And some of it is definitely a bit high on the bollocks quotient, such as the bit in which one contributor reinterprets the "broken shoelace" incident as a voyeuristic S&M fantasy. The Kissling article (below) covers much the same ideas more sensibly in much less space. Worth a read if you can get it from the local library, but only the most hard-core Tonyaologist or feminist studies student would want their own copy.
"Inside Edge: A Revealing Journey into the Secret World of Figure Skating" by Christine Brennan. Hardcover - 319 pages; List: $23.00; Published by Scribner; Publication date: January 1, 1996; Dimensions (in inches): 9.59 x 6.49 x 1.14; ISBN: 0684801671. Paperback - 336 pages; List: $12.95; Published by Anchor; Publication date: February 1, 1997; Dimensions (in inches): 7.95 x 5.18 x .79; ISBN: 0385486073.
The book the US Figure Skating Association doesn't want you to read. Brennan, a journalist who covers figure skating for the prestigious "Washington Post", spent a year writing this controversial expose that reveals that Tonya was just the tip of the iceberg. Includes chapters on Tonya and a certain other skater, plus lots of background on many of the most famous skaters of the 70's, 80's and 90's - very useful reading for new fans of the sport. Also features a chapter on the allegedly widespread problem of AIDS and HIV amongst members of the skating community - this appears to be the part that upset most people. The USFSA was so desperate to scuttle this book they (temporarily) revoked Brennan's press credentials shortly after it came out (of course, they claim it was for some other reason - but despite several letters between Brennan and the USFSA, she never got a straight answer from them as to exactly what they were upset about). The ban was eventually dropped after about six weeks when other journalists sided with Brennan. The paperback edition includes an extra chapter on this and updates things a bit. Followed by a sequel, "Edge of Glory", in 1998.
"The Black Stone" by Robert Urbanek. Paperback - 198 pages; Published by Neva Press; Publication date: January 1996; ISBN 0-9648395-0-4.
Tonya Harding is actually the reincarnation of Lee Harvey Oswald - at least, that's the central theme of this political thriller about a plot by Saddam Hussein to develop a new superweapon. Personally, we don't think that there's much similarity between Tonya and Oswald at all - for a start, Oswald never did a triple axel nor are there any known photographs of him wearing a topless wedding dress - but there is one aspect which Tonya and Oswald do have in common: both of them were used as patsies by much bigger interests. The book also claims to reveal disturbing new information about why JFK was assassinated (and we presume it's not because he was considered a shoe-in for the 1964 Ladies title). We haven't read it so we can't say how it compares with that other great work of American fiction, the Warren Commission report, but if you're into cigarette smoking men, grassy knolls & white Fiat Unos this could be the book for you! Appears to be out of print, but you can enjoy the bizarre conspiracy theory rantings of the author about Tonya and other subjects at his web site,
"Whacked! The Adventures of Tonya Harding and Her Pals" - The River Group, March 1994
"He Said/She Said Comics #4: The Tonya Harding Story/The Jeff Gillooly Story" - First Amendment Publishing, 1994
These two comic books were hastily published in early 1994 at the height of Tonyamania. The "He Said/She Said" one has Gillooly's story about the planning of the attack in the first half, then you can turn it upside down read about Tonya dealing with the aftermath in the second part. It's mostly rather poorly drawn and in black & white, but does at least attempt to be accurate. Includes a centerfold of a certain New England skater. "Whacked!" is in color, and is better drawn with some quite funny bits, though takes an anti-Tonya slant. Features a centerfold showing the timeline of the events of the attack. Both are regularly advertised for sale in the comics trading newsgroups.
General books (not specifically related to Tonya but
worth a read)
"Little Girls in Pretty Boxes: The Making and Breaking of Elite Gymnasts and Figure Skaters" by Joan Ryan. Paperback - List: $12.99; Published by Warner Books; Publication date: July 1, 1996; Dimensions (in inches): 8.08 x 5.29 x .74; ISBN: 0446672505
A book that lifts the lid on the exploitation of young gymnasts & figure skaters as their coaches & pushy parents try to to force them into the mould Tonya tried so hard to fight against.
"The Lords of The Rings" (US title: "Dishonored Games: Corruption, Money and Greed at the Olympics") by Vyv Simson and Andrew Jennings. UK edition: Simon & Schuster, 1992, ISBN 0-671-71225-X. US Edition: Published by Spi Books Trade; Publication date: July 1992; ISBN: 1561711993.
No Hobbits here - (or even Tonya). Instead this book, written by two British journalists, reveals the wheeling, dealing, bribery, drug abuse, sex scandals and corruption that goes on in the Olympic hierarchy and will dispel any doubts that "Olympic gold" means anything other than money these days. It also has some very revealing info about IOC President Juan Samaranch and his role in General Franco's Fascist government in Spain that strangely enough never appears in any of his official biographies! Samaranch tried to have the authors thrown in jail using Switzerland's archaic libel laws - fortunately they didn't turn up in Switzerland for the trial. Followed by a sequel in 1996, "The New Lords of The Rings", which covers Lillehammer and Atlanta and digs up even more dirt. Should be read by anybody who cares about the direction in which modern international sport is going. Unfortunately now out of print.
A fuller review is available in the February 9, 1998 issue of "The Portlandian". One of the authors has recently set up a web site at that goes into more detail and updates things a bit.
Tonya has appeared on TV many times over the years in both skating and tabloid "news" shows so tapes of her are not too hard to find, either for purchase or trade.
There are many tapes of Tonya skating available, but they are expensive. Here are details of where to get them.
Sources for "Breakaway", Tonya's low-budget action movie debut.
If you're only after that "other" Tonya video, read this.
Readers outside North America should read our warning about TV standards before arranging to purchase or exchange any tapes.
The essays about Tonya and the Kerrigan scandal are largely based on information found in the following articles. The "Time" articles are accessible on-line and linked via the title:
Time Magazine Articles:
Why? It Hurts So Bad. Why Me? by Martha Duffy - "Time", January 17, 1994Sports Illustrated Articles:
Not Your Average Ice Queen - E.M. Swift, "Sports Illustrated", January 13, 1992"Tonya Harding: The Hard Fall" by Randall Sullivan - "Rolling Stone" July 14-28, 1994
"Women We Love: All American Girl" by Jimmy Breslin - "Esquire" (US Edition) August 1994
"Skating on Thin Ice: Why Tonya Harding Could Never Be America's Ice Princess" by Elizabeth Arveda Kissling, Eastern Washington University - feminist analysis of the T & N affair. Covers much the same ground as "Women On Ice" (above) but in a fraction of the space.
© 2008 Portland Ice Skating Society. | Last updated: 21 May 2008 |