Welcome to the

[Portland Ice Skating Society logo]

New Zealand's own Tonya Harding fan club

[Tonya skating with a kid]

Home of "The Portlandian", the Net's premiere source of Tonya news

Sign the petition to get Tonya reinstated!

Limited time offer - Beautiful Tonya dresses for sale!

More Tonya merchandise

I, Tonya

The award-winning movie starring Margot Robbie as Tonya

Why this site exists

A Brief History of Tonya - a story
of sex, violence and ladies figure skating
The Name Is Eckardt, Shawn Eckardt - the
plot to cripple Nancy Kerrigan
Skates, Lies & Videotape - Lillehammer
& all that jazz
The Case for the Defense - a critical examination
of the evidence
Triple Axels & Double Standards - why people
REALLY hate Tonya Harding
The Great Skating Swindle - how you can help
stop it and get Tonya back on the ice
Skating Achievements
"The Skater" - some issues of this early
Tonya fanzine
"The Portlandian" - the Internet's premier source
of HARDing copy
Tonya-related books, tapes, articles, etc
Other Tonya Websites & newsgroups
Tonya FAQ - everything you ever wanted
to know about Tonya
Exclusive PortIce Tonya T-shirt Offer
No, we don't have the Wedding Night Video - and
why not

Beautiful Tonya photos

The Joseph A. Haran Memorial Annex

Olympic Corruption Scandal Coverage

The Secret Life of Juan Antonio Samaranch - his Fascist past exposed!

UPDATED for Sochi! The Olympic Hall Of Shame - your handy guide to IOC skullduggery

Also - an exclusive "Portlandian" special investigation

The Strange Case of "Roy Edwards"

the murky past of the the man who runs the "tonyaharding.com" web site

read our public messages about Tonya

Special Sid & Nancy Tribute

Email us!

Acknowledgements & Disclaimers

Splendid Skating Site award

© 2023 Portland Ice Skating Society. Last updated: 31 December 2023